在大多数国家/地区,都希望拥有可以提供国家或地区级别卫生状况图景的卫生系统指标。 该社区的使命是进一步开发标准实践,以实现有效实用地计算和跟踪健康指标(指征)所需的可持续的交互操作性。它旨在提供广泛信息,以增强社区、卫生工作者和决策者的能力,从而提高医疗保健服务的整体覆盖范围、质量和效率。
Our approach is based on free and open-source software and standards. This approach supports the ability to calculate metrics from diverse systems meaningfully.
We promote the interoperation of our software with other systems where they bring added value.
We consult freely with anyone interested in our mission and are open to new ideas.
We seek the standardization of best practices and software interoperability that allows flexibility and adaptability across systems.
We seek to provide adaptable solutions.
We seek to use resources responsibly to address a variety of healthcare needs.