• Membership Status 2021-2024

RECAINSA is a network made up of Central American volunteers, mostly technicians and professionals who work in the health sector and information technology. RECAINSA emerged in 2013 with the intention of supporting national digital health strategies. They also create spaces for the exchange of experiences and good practices in both the public and private sectors.

Among the main objectives are strengthening the governance of digital health through legal and strategic frameworks, promoting participation with key players in the health sector, both public and private, promoting the creation and strengthening of training spaces for human resources in Digital Health through universities, certified training centers and other specialized organizations; and generate spaces for the exchange of experiences, dissemination of knowledge and good practices in Digital Health among the countries of the Central American region.

Mission Statement

Actively promote the strengthening of eHealth governance, the training of leaders, the creation of spaces for the exchange of experiences, good practices, and the dissemination of knowledge in digital health in the countries of Central America and other regions.


To be a reference entity in digital health in Central America and other regions, promoting the strengthening of eHealth governance, the training of leaders and the generation of spaces for the exchange of experiences, good practices and the dissemination of knowledge.


The general objective of RECAINSA is to strengthen national and subnational digital health strategies in the countries of Central America and other countries/regions of the Americas.

The strategic lines are the following:

  • Digital Health Governance.
  • Training of human resources in digital health.
  • Spaces for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and good practices

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For the development of its activities, RECAINSA has based its networking strategy on the use of social networks. This makes communication and exchange possible among its more than 3,000 followers in Latin America, the United States, Canada, Spain and other countries. In addition to social networks, other strategies used have been the organization of short virtual seminars (Webinars) and the publication through its blog where the members of the Network share successful experiences and specialized opinion with the rest of the members.

This strategy has made it possible to actively participate with other Digital Health networks and groups at the Latin American and global levels, such as the Global Digital Health Network (GDHN), the Latin American Network of Health Information Systems (RELACSIS), the Asian eHealth Information Network (AeHIN), among others. They participate both in the dissemination and exchange of good practices and experiences in technical discussions and development of joint proposals to promote Digital Health as a means to reduce gaps and inequities in access to health in our countries.


Skill sets to be contributed to the OpenHIE initiative

RECAINSA has a solid network of people and organizations that contribute and add great value to OpenHIE communities. This is especially true in Latin America, where OpenHIE is still just starting to catch on. One of the most important contributions of RECAINSA is the media enrichment that covered practically the entire Region of the Americas and also other regions through collaboration with other digital health networks around the world.

Role within the community

RECAINSA’s desired role within the OpenHIE community is to provide technical input on topics related to interoperability architecture and standards, governance, security and privacy, among others, where the RECAINSA committee can add expertise to the community. RECAINSA can play an important role in disseminating OpenHIE content and other information in Spanish to the entire Latin American community, promoting the benefits and commitment of stakeholders to participate in this initiative.

Contributions to the OpenHIE community

RECAINSA promotes best practices based on evidence and standards in digital health, including interoperability, health information exchange, cybersecurity and data governance, among others, through digital events such as webinars and workshops, and digital publications such as fact sheets and blogs. Along these lines, RECAINSA has begun to contribute to the OpenHIE community, disseminating information through a blog post in Spanish ( and within the participation of Vital Wave representing the OpenHIE community in the Webinar “Governance of health data : interoperability and standards”.

In addition, the members of the RECAINSA commission began to participate in the OpenHIE communities and the expectation is to have more members involved as spaces in Spanish and exchange increase, a topic in which RECAINSA can contribute a lot.

Finally, RECAINSA has a strong commitment with Central American governments to strengthen national digital health strategies, and it seems that the OpenHIE architecture has high potential as part of the adoption of best practices to include in the countries‘ digital transformation agenda.

Does RECAINSA Inspire You to Consider a Partnership?

Does the OpenHIE mission resonate with the goals of your organization? Let’s work together to combine resources, ideas, and networks to improve health outcomes for resource emerging areas!

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