Health Financing Data

This community is focused on identifying health care financing data exchange needs and working synergistically with the OpenHIE community to ensure that data exchange processes and requirements meet the needs of the health care financing communities.

The WHO defines health financing as the “function of a health system concerned with the mobilization, accumulation, and allocation of money to cover the health needs of the people, individually and collectively, in the health system.” Health financing includes three main components for revenue-raising, pooling of funds and risk, and purchasing. The provision of healthcare, documentation of health care delivery, and subsequent data sharing are also closely interwoven with health sector financing. Documentation and sharing of health data are critical for episodic and longitudinal care; this data forms the information substrate for health financing.

This community primarily focuses on the functions and data needed by the health purchaser. (For our purposes, a health purchaser is any institution that buys health care goods, services, and interventions on behalf of a covered population). Health purchasers can include the ministry of health, social health insurance agencies, special purchasing agencies, local or national government authorities, other ministries (such as the ministry of defense), private insurance companies, and community-based insurance funds. If needed, this community may prioritize using national health insurance use-cases as a basis for evaluating the health financing requirements. Still, we intend to be broadly open to any health financing related scenarios.

  • Collaborate


    Serve as a collaborative workspace for sharing of best practices as well as novel proposed solutions to health care financing data exchange.

  • Prioritize


    Identify and prioritize foundational requirements needed to meet data elements and data exchange needs of health care financing.

  • Standardize


    Identify and create alignment around standardized terminologies that will meet the data and data exchange needs of the international health care financing communities.

  • Report


    Develop documented data sharing use cases that describe the fundamental flow of information to support strategic purchasing.

  • Amplify


    Represent, and give voice to the real-world needs of countries as they implement health purchasing schemas within the auspices of a national data-sharing architecture.

  • Engage


    Engage and collaborate with developers and implementers working with health insurance/finance solutions and other stakeholder groups, such as the community of practice supported by the Joint Learning Network on health insurance management information systems, to identify data exchange needs.

  • Visit the Wiki

    An online home for resources and information sharing on our latest standards and practices.

  • Join the Conversation on Discourse

    An online discussion hub for sharing ideas, best practices, and support within the vast OpenHIE community.

Upcoming Events

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20 Feb 2025
  • eHealth Leaders Forum

    20 Feb 2025 - 8:00 am EST - 9:00 am EST

    See more details

28 Feb 2025
  • OHIE Architecture & Standards Call

    28 Feb 2025 - 10:00 am EST - 11:00 am EST

    See more details

07 Mar 2025