Health Worker Data Management

In most countries, health worker information is found across multiple and disparate systems making it very difficult to obtain a national picture of the entire health workforce. Moreover, maintaining accurate and up-to-date information on mobile and sometimes isolated workforce can be challenging in a low resource setting. A health worker registry overcomes these challenges by first aggregating the critical attributes for all health workers in the country from the multiple human resource information systems. Secondly, as a service to the health system, including smart devices and mHealth technologies, a health worker registry can securely share and validate health worker information using dependable and easy to adopt messaging standards.

This community includes individuals, NGOs, and governments who share a commitment to aggregating and making health workforce information accessible using international standards and open source technologies. It works primarily to develop, test, and provide implementation support for open source health worker registry standards, applications, and stakeholder guidance. 

The OHIE-HWDM community has engaged with or is currently engaging with deployments in countries like  Tanzania, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda. The OHIE-HWDM technologies are also being used in the Ebola response in West Africa to link health workforce information systems with mobile platforms to support health worker communication and coordination. With each installation, the size of the community grows, and the contextual experiences in each country contribute toward the improvement of the global OHIE Health Worker Registry application.

  • Unique ID of Health Workers

    Unique ID of Health Workers

    The health workforce comprises thousands of individuals, some with the same names, and multiple identifiers may be assigned to a health worker. Health Worker Data Management can identify duplicates and uniquely identify each health worker across an entire system.

  • Service Referrals

    Service Referrals

    Paired with Care Services Discovery (CSD), Health Worker Data Management enables a health worker to cross-reference health worker, facility, and service delivery information to refer a patient to another provider electronically.

  • Validation and Documentation

    Validation and Documentation

    As health systems progress to maintain longitudinal health records for each patient, Health Worker Data Management can validate that a qualified health worker administered a documented care encounter.

  • Interoperability


    Health Worker Data Management offers a common resource of information that all applications can access and support better information and interoperability.

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    An online home for resources and information sharing on our latest standards and practices.

  • Join the Conversation on Discourse

    An online discussion hub for sharing ideas, best practices, and support within the vast OpenHIE community.

  • Download the Implementation Guide

    These provide guidance for the end-to-end implementation of the architecture components.

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28 Mar 2025
  • OHIE Architecture & Standards Call

    28 Mar 2025 - 10:00 am EDT - 11:00 am EDT

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04 Apr 2025
14 Apr 2025
  • OHIE Architecture & Standards Call

    14 Apr 2025 - 10:00 am EDT - 11:00 am EDT

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