RE: TS interface for version 1
Thanks for the comments. I have one (hopeful) clarification and one question. Code Validation – In my current understanding “code validation” means “is the code in the input message a valid code in its documented target code system/value set/profile context?”. …
Re: TS interface for version 1
Hi Roger. Thanks for the (as always) insightful and astute comments. Re: your first point — GOOD CATCH — yes, we are expecting that OpenHIE will operate in a pre-coordination environment. That is the case in RW and in ZA …
Generating demo data for the SHR
Hi, Update on the OHIE clinical demo data generation work. My task was to take data collected from the RHIE forms , and transform them into CDA documents that could be consumed by OHIE 1.0. I’ve built APHP documents to …
RE: TS interface for version 1
Hi Jack, and everyone. Because we have a long history of broad adoption to draw upon, I wanted to use Apelon’s deployment patterns in Canada to help inform what our “end game” will/should look like for OpenHIE. Canada has been …
OHIE Client Registry Community – Call Reminder and Agenda – February 13, 2015 at 10am ET
This email is a reminder that we are having anOHIE-Client Registry Community call Friday, February 13th at 10:00am ET. Agenda: * Welcome/Introductions * IHE Connectathon – Update * Software for OHIE 1.0 Release – Update * OHIE v1.0 Integration Testing …
OHIE-Terminology Services Call 2/11 (Follow Up)
Couldn’t join the OpenHIE Terminology Services community call today? Or maybe you did but want to refresh your memory about what happened? Read the minutes and listen to the recording out on the wiki – https://wiki.ohie.org/display/resources/2015-02-11+Terminology+Services+Community+Call Jami Source:: TS Mailing …
OpenHIE 1.0 + TS – Some experiences with the MEDIC RI
Hi All, Just thinking about the discussion that we had on the SHR community call yesterday regarding terminology services in OpenHIE 1.0, I thought I would share what we’ve done with the MEDIC reference implementation. In our previous implementations of …
TS interface for version 1
Hi all, On a community call yesterday we discovered an oversight that I think we need to address in the light that OpenHIE v1’s release date is closing in. It seems that we have never firmly decided on the interface …
Troubleshooting openhim install
Hello, I am trying to troubleshoot an OpenHIM install problem. When trying to login to the openhim-console, I get the following error message: “A server-side error has occurred. Please contact the server administrator”. I have tried the suggested fix here …
Tomorrow’s call (10.02). Please add your agenda items!
Dear openHMIS community members, Tomorrow is our bi-weekly HMIS community call 🙂 Please suggest any item you want to discuss during this call *AGENDA*: – *HANGOUT*: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/event/crmfkmdemdekk5rj9vsv2teffgk?authuser=0&hl=en-GB If you would prefer to dial in p Source:: HMIS Mailing List
Updated Invitation: OHIE – Health Management Information Services @ Tue 24 Feb 2015 14:00 – 15:00 (OHIE – Health Management Information Systems)
This event has been changed. Title: OHIE – Health Management Information Services When: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday @ 8:30am Eastern Time, regardless of whether standard or daylight saving time is being observed. How to Join: Google Hangout. The link …
Internship opportunities: GSoC 2015 and OpenHIE
Hi, I wanted to remind everyone that the Google Summer of Code program is around the corner once again. Last year, Ryan Crichton mentored Sara Fatima on the IHE Patient administration management project Source:: Arch Mailing List