Protected: Revolutionizing Healthcare in Kenya: Standardizing Data Exchange for Optimal Delivery

| Opportunity |

Facility-based systems or data aggregation systems within the ecosystem exchange data with the CHT per the numerous workflow requirements. This fragmentation posed obstacles for healthcare providers seeking to access and exchange patient information for continuity of care. The opportunity to adopt a standard for exchanging data with other systems offered the opportunity for easier integration to support use of data across systems and enable better support of continuity of care.

| Lessons Learned |
  • The initial level of effort was significant to comply with FHIR standards. This is due to the data structure of the CHT with significant effort going to mapping the indicators and building the first mediators that can be reused or expanded to suit other emerging requirements. 
  • The use of open standards holds many advantages, as it is highly scalable. Medic leveraged the work done on the proof of concept for all the subsequent projects in Kenya and Nepal.