It goes clinical!

By: News
Posted On: September 19, 2012

There was an eerie sense of silence in the Jembi camp last nigh…well it didin’t last too long and was followed with quite some laughing and possible hugging (we are still awaiting photographic evidence of the latter). Why you may ask, why this change or reaction.

First Health Centre to start using the PoC functionality

Today marks the day that the RHEA Point of Care module will be actively used in the Clinic for the first time! 8 days ago we went out to begin our implementation process of installing software and testing at Ruhunda and today marks the mentored and supported use of the PoC system at the clinic on the ANC clinic day. It has been a long uphill run to get the system to this point, note: we are not connecting to HIE as of yet as there are a few more tests to run but that isn’t stopping us collecting clinical data;

Today the team has divided; one to move onto Musha to replicate the implementation done at Ruhunda and the other back out to Ruhunda to support Liz and Dawn and the clinical staff as they start to use the system at a clinic and medical level.

Tired but back into the car for the next day.

We are running into some heavy challenges with internet at the various sites, Ruhunda being fixed and moving forward well – Musha giving the team a headache but we are confident that this will be resolved in the not to distant future.

We are all excitedly anticipating the call/sms from Wayne saying that X clinic is now connected to the Rwandan HIE and is sending live data to the SHR! These are, as always, exciting times and will keep us all updated!

Source:: RHIE