Introducing OpenHIE’s Newest Partner Organizations!

By: Shelby Guthrie
Posted On: June 14, 2024

The OpenHIE community is very excited to announce we have recently formalized partnership agreements with Population Services International (PSI), TerraFrame, EGPAF and IntelliSOFT Consulting Limited. We look forward to collaborating with these organizations going forward on ways to improve global health information exchange.

The OpenHIE mission is to improve health outcomes for resource-emerging economies. Below you can find short backgrounds on these new Official Partnership Organizations (OPOs) and how our missions align.


PSI – Population Services International

Population Services International (PSI), is a global network of organizations focused on consumer-powered healthcare. They aim to create people-centered health systems that provide quality and affordable care whenever and wherever it’s needed. Headquartered in the United States, PSI operates in over 40 countries, emphasizing healthier lives and family planning. 

Their digital health vision seeks to enhance consumer health through digital technologies, facilitating access and personalized delivery of information, products, and services. PSI has extensive experience in implementing digital health solutions, collaborating with organizations like DHIS2 and supporting global standards such as OpenHIE. They are committed to expanding partnerships and capacity strengthening efforts, particularly in Africa, to advance digital health initiatives. 


TerraFrame specializes in automating knowledge sharing within ecosystems for public health, climate, and sustainable development goals. Their open-source technology stack utilizes spatial knowledge graphs to enable interoperability of disparate data and knowledge representations across changing geographies and time frames, supporting time series analytics and machine learning. 

GeoPrism Registry®, a recognized global good, manages geographic data over time, providing a single source of truth for multiple organizations and information systems. TerraFrame advocates for common geo-registries to maintain location data dependencies across the Ministry of Health systems and actively participates in OpenHIE working groups. Additionally, TerraFrame offers capabilities in National Spatial Data Infrastructure development, UAV data management, and disease intervention and elimination through spatial decision support systems.


IntelliSOFT Consulting is dedicated to enhancing business performance and productivity, particularly in low-resourced environments, through the development, implementation, and support of information and communication technology (ICT) agnostic, web-optimized software. Their main focus is on strengthening health systems, specifically in Health Research Support Information Systems and Health Management Information Systems (HMIS). 

IntelliSOFT offers a range of capabilities, including software development for Health Information Exchange (HIE) components, requirements specification, and quality assurance. They actively collaborate with the OpenHIE community to optimize clinical workflows, document specifications for HIE components, and contribute to the development of standards within the digital health community. Notably, IntelliSOFT has contributed to initiatives such as the Kenya Health Digital Superhighway, shaping key components like the shared health record and interoperability layer.

IntelliSoft Consulting

 Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF)

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) is at the forefront of the global effort to end HIV/AIDS, focusing on children, youth, and families across 20 countries. EGPAF emphasizes the importance of national health information systems (HIS) in achieving epidemic control by leveraging data for quality patient care and program efficiency. EGPAF collaborates with Ministries of Health (MOHs) in Africa to develop and maintain national health information ecosystems, blending technical expertise in health services delivery with digital health capabilities. 

Their approach includes designing, deploying, and managing health information systems at scale, developing informatics products for data visualization and insight generation, and leveraging patient data for monitoring and evaluation. EGPAF also invests in infrastructure and partnerships to promote health equity, contributing to the OpenHIE community and adhering to its standards while offering expertise in areas such as security, labs, EMRs, and client registries.

Moving Forward

The OpenHIE community is excited to collaborate with PSI, TerraFrame, IntelliSOFT, and EGPAF. We will work together to share architectural practices, training, and implementation assets with our networks also dedicated to improving healthcare data exchange.

If you’re interested in finding ways you can support and follow these efforts, sign up and stay tuned for updates shared on the community forum!